ECH 355 Full Course Discussions GCU

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ECH 355 Full Course Discussions GCU

ECH 355 Topic 1 Discussion Question 1

What was the first experience you remember with social studies?  What were your positive experiences?  What were your negative experiences? What are the implications for powerful social studies teaching?

ECH 355 Topic 1 Discussion Question 2

When children are asked questions about what they learned in social studies, they do not understand the term “social studies.” Explain why.

ECH 355 Topic 2 Discussion Question 1

Paul and Elder (1995) view critical thinking as the development of discipline organized thinking that monitors itself and is guided by intellectual standards. Further, they hold that reasoning must be at the heart of good teaching, sound learning, and preparation for college, career, and civic life.

Does concept formation, as a social studies instructional methodology, align with their view? Explain.

ECH 355 Topic 2 Discussion Question 2

Share 3 instructional strategies that would stimulate thinking processes and encourage critical thinking in young children.

ECH 355 Topic 3 Discussion Question 1

Discuss the similarities and differences between units, projects, and themes.  What would be important considerations when deciding which to use?  Is it possible to combine them or not?  If so, how?

ECH 355 Topic 3 Discussion Question 2

Social studies content enables children to learn social participation directly and not symbolically. Democratic and participatory school and classroom environments are essential to this type of real-world learning. Explain what you will do to monitor your bias, and foster a democratic and participatory environment.

ECH 355 Topic 4 Discussion Question 1

How would you assess your self-concept, your self-esteem, and your self-efficacy?  What is the meaning of each term?  How does each develop in young children?

ECH 355 Topic 4 Discussion Question 2

Think about your future classroom. How do students in your class experience the world?

Their classroom mirrors the larger society with its diverse ethnic, religious, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Through your social studies content, are the children learning structures for accepting and appreciating diversity at this critical age in the development of lifelong attitudes?

Mere contact with diversity, without understanding, can intensify conflict. Does their classroom mirror the larger society in this sense also?

ECH 355 Topic 5 Discussion Question 1

How do children develop concepts of direction and location, and how do teachers foster these concepts?  What mapping skills can young children develop and how?

ECH 355 Topic 5 Discussion Question 2

How could you use technology, such as Google Earth, to teach three of the five themes of geography: location, place, region, movement, and human-environment interaction?

ECH 355 Topic 6 Discussion Question 1

What is the inquiry approach to history?  How do teachers use an inquiry approach?  Why is it important for young children?

ECH 355 Topic 6 Discussion Question 2

How can social studies concepts be connected to science, math, literature, and the arts? Give specific examples.

ECH 355 Topic 7 Discussion Question 1

Technology has allowed us to participate in a global society. Your students will become citizens of that global society one day. How do you introduce your students to global awareness?

ECH 355 Topic 7 Discussion Question 2

What kinds of activities that display citizenship are important for young children?

ECH 355 Topic 8 Discussion Question 1

What will you do to encourage families to participate in your social studies curriculum?

ECH 355 Topic 8 Discussion Question 2

Discuss the importance of social studies content in early childhood education.



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