ELM 200 Week 1 Discussions Latest-GCU

 ELM 200 Week 1 Discussions Latest-GCU

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ELM 200 Week 1 Discussions Latest-GCU


ELM 200 Week 1 Discussion Question 1-GCU

It has been suggested that the best prediction of a child’s learning is based on what they already know. Do you agree with this statement? What other factors do you think influence how a child learns?


ELM 200 Week 1 Discussion Question 2-GCU

What do you do to learn and remember the things that you read in your textbooks?  What do your teachers do to help you learn and remember course information? What retrieval cues do you provide for yourself?  Do you sometimes find yourself forgetting to do something because you did not give yourself a retrieval cue? Which of the recommendations presented in the assigned readings should minimize the likelihood of retrieval failure? Reconstruction error? Interference? Decay? Failure to store?


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